Click on any of the links to the left to explore everything about us.
If we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from every sin - I John 1:7
The Church in Akron is a family of believers who love the Lord Jesus as our Savior, the Bible as His word, and one another as members of His body. We have been serving the Akron, Ohio area since 1970.

We are a diverse group made up of all ages and many kinds of people. We believe the church should reflect the community it is in, and so everyone is welcome.
It surprises some that we have a large number of Chinese speaking believers among us. For this reason a portion of this site is in Chinese.
It surprises some that we have a large number of Chinese speaking believers among us. For this reason a portion of this site is in Chinese.

We would like to invite you to any of our in-person, or zoom meetings.
*Sunday 10:00am: The Lord's Table meeting is observed every week. It is full of singing, praying, praising, thanking. (Zoom is available).
*Tuesday 07:30pm: The reading meeting (Zoom only) has been insightful as we explore many christian authors who have gone before us.
*Thursday 06:00pm: The Chronological Bible reading (In-person). We are reading through the bible in a year.
*Friday 06:00pm: The bible study meeting (In-person) has been quaint as we soak up all our Lord has to share in the reading of His word.
*Saturday 10:00am: The prayer meeting (In-person) has been the beseeching of our Lord to accomplish whatever, or where ever, He is moving on, with our cooperation in that.
(Our Zoom session is available. Click here on FAQ to submit a request for more information).
*Sunday 10:00am: The Lord's Table meeting is observed every week. It is full of singing, praying, praising, thanking. (Zoom is available).
*Tuesday 07:30pm: The reading meeting (Zoom only) has been insightful as we explore many christian authors who have gone before us.
*Thursday 06:00pm: The Chronological Bible reading (In-person). We are reading through the bible in a year.
*Friday 06:00pm: The bible study meeting (In-person) has been quaint as we soak up all our Lord has to share in the reading of His word.
*Saturday 10:00am: The prayer meeting (In-person) has been the beseeching of our Lord to accomplish whatever, or where ever, He is moving on, with our cooperation in that.
(Our Zoom session is available. Click here on FAQ to submit a request for more information).
Feel free to explore this site to learn more about us. Click Contact Us if you have any questions. Mostly, we hope you will come to visit.